✓ Fast Assembly:
Two people, 3-4 minutes to build a complete 4-shelf rack. User-friendly instructions provided.
✓ Pre-assembled Shelves:
Enables fast assembly. Shelves can be purchased separately.
✓ Flexible Shelf Spacing:
Adjust to fit any plant height. You decide the number of shelves and spacing on each rack.
✓ Heavy Duty:
Strong enough to support up to 1200 lbs. per rack or 300 lbs. per shelf.
✓ Maximize Payload:
Fits on any standard 40”x48” pallet and stands 84” tall to optimize cargo space.
✓ Reusable:
Durable enough for re-use when recycling is an option.
✓ Ideal for POS Signage:
Attach display banners and headers with just a few staples.
✓ Custom
✓ Sizes Available:
URack can design any dimension or configuration rack needed.
(Pallets NOT Included)
✓ No Assembly Required:
Enables quick rack assembly using pneumatic nail or staple gun (recommended nail and staple specifications provided).
✓ Strong Design:
Minimal deflection (bounce) when transporting under load. Sturdy enough for heavy containers. Standard shelf comes 40”x48” including 1.5”x1.5” full frame and center stringer with 8 top boards.
✓ Compatible with ALL Corner Post Types:
Purchased separately, shelves can be used with wood, plastic,
and composite corners purchased elsewhere.
✓ Custom Sizes Available:
URack can design any dimension or board configuration shelf needed
✓ Fast Assembly:
Two people, 4-5 minutes per rack (depending on shelf qty). User- friendly instructions provided.
✓ Flexible Shelf Spacing:
You decide the shelf quantity and spacing needed for the light- weight plant material shipped on each rack. Great for plugs, liner trays, quart containers, and small potted material.
✓ Pre-assembled Shelves:
Enables fast assembly. Shelves can be purchased separately.
✓ Compatible with ALL Corner Post Types:
Can be used with wood, plastic, and composite corners purchased elsewhere.
✓ Maximize Payload:
Fits on any standard 40”x48” pallet and stands 84” tall. Strong enough for up to 10 shelves per rack to optimize cargo space.
✓ Reusable:
Durable enough for re-use when recycling is an option.
✓ Custom Designs Available:
URack can design any dimension or configuration rack needed.
(Pallets NOT Included)
✓ Optimal Dimensions:
Standard 40”x24” and stands 48” tall for convenient customer access and efficient retail floor space utilization.
✓ Fast Assembly:
Two people, 2-3 minutes per 3-shelf rack. User-friendly instructions provided.
✓ Pre-assembled Shelves:
Enables fast assembly. Shelves can be
purchased separately.
✓ Flexible Shelf Spacing:
Adjust to fit any container size. You decide the number of shelves and spacing on each rack.
✓ Stackable to maximize Payload:
Designed for stacking to optimize trailer space.
✓ Reusable:
Durable enough for re-use when recycling is an option.
✓ Highly Maneuverable:
Comes with 40”x24” base to fit forklifts and pallet jacks. Customer can source half pallets if available locally.
✓ Ideal for POS Signage:
Attach your display banners and headers with just a few staples.
✓ Custom Designs Available:
URack can design any dimension or
configuration rack needed.
✓ Fast Assembly:
Two people,1-2 minutes per crate.
✓ Heavy Duty Design:
For shipping large containers, B&B, trees, and staked vines.
✓ Ideal for California Stacking:
Increases the number of units per crate
✓ Pre-Assembled Sides:
2 of 4 crate sides come fully assembled enabling quick assembly.
✓ Protects Plants in Transit:
Eliminates plant damage in transit.
✓ Custom Designs Available:
URack can design any dimension or configuration crate needed.